New Features:
Track covers for sliders
You can now add a track cover to your material database and it will visually display in the 3-d model and be reported on the material list.
We have added 29 additional ‘Calc Bases’ to use to calculate material take offs, including:
Main building width, length, and height
# of common, gable, mono or mono gable trusses
# of purlins, # of girts, # of rafters
Lineal footage of building perimeters and more…..
You can see a full list by adding the ‘Calc Bases’ as a Package Add-on
Improved Calculations for Packages
You can build calculations with ‘Calc Bases’ and standard mathematical functions, similar to creating formulas in Excel
Questions in Package Calculations
You can now specify a variable in a package calculation that can be answered when it is applied to a job. For example, you can prompt the program to ask width, height, depth, and spacing for a driveway slab to complete a calculation.
Package Groups
You can now have a single Package group with multiple products that can be selected. So you can have a package called ‘Insulation’ and choose from a drop-down of insulation packages
Commercial (Bookshelf) Girt Style
Phase 1 of commercial girts shows bookshelf style girts in the 3-d model and material lists.
Bugs and other items:
The 3-d ‘OBJ’ files for doors and windows are now output with the SketchUp file
Added Tokens to JSON output
Fixed bug with Miscellaneous Materials in Packages not reporting a Price