SmartBuild 1.22 Release Notes

New Features:

  • Rafters are now an option for Main building roof framing

  • Separate gable fascia from eave fascia trim material

    • You can now specify a different material for end wall fascia from sidewall fascia (like 3 ½” for gable and 5 ½” for eave)

  • New transition parts at non-ridge pitch breaks

    • There are now separate roof trim parts for gambrel style transitions, western-style transitions, and valleys.

  • Trusses can now have ‘Scissor’ and ‘Attic’ flags

    • This doesn’t yet affect the 3-d model, but trusses can be designated, Flat, Scissor or Attic and each can be priced differently in the truss catalog.

  • Automated material updates when Supplier makes updates

    • Supplier material database changes (like adding or deleting materials) are now automatically updated in any ‘child’ builder’s material database.

  • Allow ‘Random Length’ for trim and ‘Part Length’ for sheathing

    • If Trim parts are not pulled from a stock length, there is now an option to price trim by ‘random length’ which will call out lengths based on the model requirements (and not by specific part lengths).

    • And if sheathing parts are stocked in specific part lengths, you can now add lengths for sheathing materials and price and call out accordingly.

    • This allows you to have both trim and sheathing priced by ‘part length’ and/or ‘random length’.

  • Additional ‘safeguards’ for Jobs

    • Any existing job errors will be listed when a job is moved from New to Quoted with a confirmation required to move the job to Quoted

      • Also, there is an option to prevent all jobs from being moved to Quoted if there are job errors (with administrative override)

    • ‘Job Info’ fields can now be designated as required to be filled out before a job can be saved.

Bugs and other items:

  • Max Length for Girts and Purlins will be honored when smaller cuts are consolidated (previously smaller cuts could be consolidated into part lengths longer than the Max Length set for Girts and Purlins).

  • In some cases, steel lengths were not matching on the left and right sides for symmetrical gable walls. This has been fixed.

  • A new token for ‘QuotedDate’ was added, which can now be used on document outputs.