Randy L Chaffee

Guest Blog: Maximizing Your Trade Show Experience: A Guide for Attendees

This guest blog post was written by Randy L Chaffee.

We are quickly approaching the start of trade show season. For our industry that will start in late September and run well into the spring.

Trade shows offer an abundance of opportunities for attendees to network, gain insights, and further educate themselves in our industry. However, making the most of these events requires careful planning and strategic execution. In this blog post let’s take a look at some proven ways to get the most out of your trade show experience, from pre-show preparation to post-event follow-up.

Lay the Groundwork

Before you even step foot on the trade show floor, put some time into researching the event, exhibitors, and speakers. Create a list of specific objectives which interest you for the show. Is the discovery of new products and/or services on your list?  How about networking with other industry professionals?  Gaining knowledge from expert presentations is always a highlight. Clearly defined goals will guide your activities throughout the event.

Plan Your Schedule

Trade shows are typically packed with activities, from keynote speeches and panel discussions to workshops and networking events. Review the event schedule in advance and identify sessions that align with your objectives. Prioritize those that offer the most value to your goals. Many of these opportunities fall outside of the exhibition floor hours but some may not.  This makes it important to plan your time at these events and still have plenty of time to visit with the exhibitors.  

Stay Organized

Many trade shows provide mobile apps that offer event schedules, exhibitor lists, maps, and other important information. Download and use the app to keep track of your schedule, navigate the venue, and receive real-time updates.

Be Strategic in Booth Visits: Quality Over Quantity

The trade show floor can at times be intimidating.  It can appear daunting…impossible to visit each booth.  Believe me, with large shows it will be an undoable proposition to visit every booth. Instead, focus on those that align with your interests and goals. Engage exhibitors in meaningful conversations, learn about their products or services, and ask meaningful questions.  My advice is to think of quality interactions rather the quantity.  This will provide you with deeper insights and potentially valuable connections.

Network with Purpose

Networking is a central aspect of trade shows, but it’s not just about collecting business cards. Set your goal to build meaningful relationships. By developing your pre-show itinerary you will be better positioned to meet all your goals.  You will attend the events and visit the exhibits most important to your business. Be sure to be an open networker.  Show an interest in other professionals in our industry.  Share your experiences and listen to theirs. Engage in conversations that go beyond surface-level interactions, and remember to follow up with contacts after the event.

Expand Your Knowledge

Trade shows often feature educational sessions led by industry experts. These sessions provide valuable insights into current trends, best practices, and emerging technologies. Attend talks and workshops that align with your objectives to gain a broader perspective on our industry. Most of these educational sessions will offer a time for questions.  Have some prepared if you can.  Don’t be shy…ask.  I can almost guarantee someone else in the audience will have the same or similar questions.

1. Take Notes

With so much information to absorb, it’s easy to forget key takeaways from sessions and conversations. Bring a notebook or use your mobile device to jot down important points, ideas, and action items. These notes will serve as a valuable resource after the event.

2. Be an Adapter. Embrace the Unexpected

While it’s important to have a plan, don’t be afraid to deviate from it if unexpected opportunities arise. Many of the best interactions are the chance encounters, or impromptu sessions which can lead to valuable insights and connections you might not have anticipated.

3. Engage on Social Media: Extend Your Reach

Social media is a powerful tool for extending your trade show experience beyond the event itself. Use event-specific hashtags to share your insights, connect with other attendees, and follow up on conversations. This also allows you to engage with speakers, exhibitors, and fellow attendees on a digital platform.

4. Follow Up and Solidify Your Connections

After the trade show, take the time to follow up with the contacts you’ve made. Make a phone call, send personalized emails, texts, or direct massages to those you’ve connected with. Express your appreciation for the interaction and continue the conversation. This helps solidify the relationships you’ve established.

5. Reflect and Implement

Once the trade show is over, reflect on your experiences and the insights you’ve gained. Identify actionable steps you can take to implement what you’ve learned into your everyday endeavors. This can include adopting new strategies, exploring partnerships, or integrating innovative technologies. Applying your learnings is key to deriving long-term value from the event.

In conclusion, attending a trade show is more than just showing up—it’s about intentional planning, active engagement, and purposeful follow-up. By setting clear objectives, planning your schedule while being adaptable, networking strategically, and documenting your learnings, you can ensure that your trade show experience is both fulfilling and valuable for your personal and professional growth. Remember, the value you extract from the event coincides with the effort you invest in preparation and execution.

Now go have some amazing shows!  Hope to see you all at many.

Thank you to Randy L Chaffee for writing this blog post! If you would like to contribute to the SmartBuild Systems blog, you are welcome to submit a topic here.